
Bunny Meetup Point (BUMP) creates a reliable and fun way to meet up with fellow bunnies on playa. It is ideal for those who are out adventuring or partying and want to stay in that flow without returning to camp. BUMP's *precise* location will be identified and shared during our on playa camp meeting, after surveying the playa but it will be somewhere between The Man and The Temple.

BUMP offers these solutions:
  • Lose a friend while out adventuring? Make the agreement beforehand that if this happens, you’ll meet at BUMP at the next possible meetup time. Link back up with them then!
  • Had plans to party together but couldn’t find your friend(s) at camp before going out? Find your way to BUMP to see if they show up looking for ya!
  • Out solo and desiring a crew? Get to BUMP and see who turns up and wants to hang!
  • Out with a crew and want to gather more? See who’s at BUMP and wants to join the party!
BUMP Daily Meetup Times:
  • 10:00 - 10:15 pm
  • 12:00 - 12:15 pm
  • 2:00 - 2:15 am
  • 4:00 - 4:15 am

Questions about BUMP? Reach out to Kyle Depew our BUMP coordinator.