
Burning Man wants to be radically inclusive, but it's also expensive. It's necessary for us all to contribute financially to help cover these costs which include things like:

  • Truck rental
  • Equipment purchases, repair and replacement
  • Camp infrastructure and container storage
  • Fuel for cooking stoves, generators, and sauna
  • Tools and other shared camp resources
  • A million other tiny things that add up quickly

If we split dues evenly then we would certainly be unaffordable for some. As such, we have four tiers of dues based on annual income:

  • Low income: $300
  • Middle income: $450
  • Startup (income > $100k): $600
  • Baller (income > $250k): $1,000

We first tried income-based dues in 2019, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Burning Man is changing. It's hard to ignore the fact that it's becoming a playground for the rich, and that's not what Burning Man was meant to be. This is our small way of trying to balance that inequality.

The amount you pay for dues is the same as your deposit because the pain of forfeiting a deposit should be felt equally.

Camp dues are non-refundable under any circumstances. We spend this money, and once it's gone, we can't unbuy things.

You must pay camp dues to reserve your space in camp. We have a hard deadline of 2025-08-10 for accepting new members. However, camp will likely sell out before then.