- Welcome
Introduction to camp
- Sauna
Steam clean
- Bunny Bar
Spin the wheel
- Shade
Hide from the sun
- Build
Early arrival
- Strike
Pack for next year
- Interview
get to know us
- Jobs
It's not all fun
- Dues
Share the cost
- Depost
Commit to strike
- Kitchen
We eat together
- Ice
Ice delivered daily
- Mayor of the Day
Run camp for a day
- Events
What where when
- History
Past events
- Hub
Our neighbors
- Map
Get placed
- Yearbook
The faces of camp
- Parking
Bring a car or RV
- Sound
Play your tunes
- Power
6000W at 120V AC
- Container
AC chill space
- Lag Bolts
Don't bring rebar
- Projects
Build something
- Tickets
To the event
- Stewards Sale
Formally DGS
- Setup Access Pass
Join our build team
- Tools
Camp workshop
- Bikes
Pedal power
Bunny Meetup Point
- Health
Don't get sick
- Budget
We spend your money
- Trash
- Disclaimer
You might die
- Style guide
Download logo
It's still too early in the year to know our exact placement, but we expect to be in the 7:30 sector.
The map from 2024 is shown below.
We plan to cap our camp at 42 campers this year.
You should register on BurnerMap as well. It's a great serivce that helps you find your friends on playa.