- Welcome
Introduction to camp
- Sauna
Steam clean
- Bunny Bar
Spin the wheel
- Shade
Hide from the sun
- Build
Early arrival
- Strike
Pack for next year
- Interview
get to know us
- Jobs
It's not all fun
- Dues
Share the cost
- Depost
Commit to strike
- Kitchen
We eat together
- Ice
Ice delivered daily
- Mayor of the Day
Run camp for a day
- Events
What where when
- History
Past events
- Hub
Our neighbors
- Map
Get placed
- Yearbook
The faces of camp
- Parking
Bring a car or RV
- Sound
Play your tunes
- Power
6000W at 120V AC
- Container
AC chill space
- Lag Bolts
Don't bring rebar
- Projects
Build something
- Tickets
To the event
- Stewards Sale
Formally DGS
- Setup Access Pass
Join our build team
- Tools
Camp workshop
- Bikes
Pedal power
Bunny Meetup Point
- Health
Don't get sick
- Budget
We spend your money
- Trash
- Disclaimer
You might die
- Style guide
Download logo
The Stewards Sale provides tickets to theme camps ahead of the main sale. These tickets usually go to people that have camped with us in the past or are actively working on a project for 2025.
Details for the sale are available on the official site. This years sale is on 2025-03-05 at noon PST. Unlike other years there is not a range, you will need to be availalbe at that time.
We were given 9 allotments this year for a total of 18 tickets and 9 vehicle passes. This form will close on 2025-02-27. Don't wait though we may fill up well before then.
In order to participate in the Stewards Sale, you must agree to the following conditions:
- If you decide to camp elsewere, you must offer to sell your tickets back to camp at or bellow cost.
- If you are chosen to participate in this sale, you should buy 2 tickets and 1 vehicle pass.
- If you only need 1 ticket, you must sell your extra tickets to someone that camps with 8-bit Bunny.
- Tickets are $550.00, and a vehicle pass costs $150.00, plus a bunch of bullshit fees, for a total of around $1,450.00.
Like all assets, tickets can go down in value. You understand that by participating in the Stewards Sale that you might lose money.
We have assigned 8 out of 9 allotments so far for 2025.
Read more about Stewards Sale on the official Burning Man site.