Stewards Sale

The Stewards Sale provides tickets to theme camps ahead of the main sale. These tickets usually go to people that have camped with us in the past or are actively working on a project for 2025.

Details for the sale are available on the official site. This years sale is from 2025-03-12 at noon PST to 2025-03-14 at noon PST.

We were given 10 allotments this year for a total of 20 tickets and 10 vehicle passes. This form will close on 2025-03-07. Don't wait though we may fill up well before then.

In order to participate in the Stewards Sale, you must agree to the following conditions:

  1. If you decide to camp elsewere, you must offer to sell your tickets back to camp at or bellow cost.
  2. If you are chosen to participate in this sale, you must buy 2 tickets and 1 vehicle pass.
  3. If you only need 1 ticket, you must sell your extra tickets to someone that camps with 8-bit Bunny.
  4. Tickets are $575.00, and a vehicle pass costs $150.00, plus a bunch of bullshit fees, for a total of $1,496.09.
  5. Please don't fuck this up. These tickets are important to our camp, and it's important to follow though if you are selected.

Like all assets, tickets can go down in value. While it's rare for Burning Man to not sell out it does happen. You understand that by participating in the Stewards Sale that you might lose money.


We have assigned 0 out of 10 allotments so far for 2025.

Buring Man

Read more about Stewards Sale on the official Burning Man site.