
Events are a part of daily life at 8-bit Bunny. Here is what we have planned for 2024 so far.

View all Playa Events for 2024 published by Burning Man.

Event Meeting

Camp Meeting

Date July 29, 2024Time 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDTLead David Singer

Join us on Google Meet for camp meeting. This meeting is not required but recomended.

Event Workday

ABCo Workday

Date August 3, 2024Time 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm PDTLead David Singer

Were going to do some camp shopping and other tasks we do every year to help get ready before the camp truck arrives.

Event Workday

Pre Burn Workday

Date August 10, 2024Time 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm PDTLead David Singer

There are many things to do before the Burn. Come to our warehouse and give a hand.

Event Meeting

Last Pre Event Camp Meeting

Date August 18, 2024Time 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm PDTLead David Singer

This is our last meeting of 2024 before we hit the playa.

Event Party

Build Crew Steam Bath

Date August 25, 2024Time 10:00 pm - 12:30 am PDTLead David Singer

Thank you for building the city. Enjoy our first steam bath and start the week off clean, refreshed, and ready to go.

Event Burning man

All Hands Camp Meeting

Date August 26, 2024Time 11:00 am - 12:30 pm PDTLead David Singer

We will do introductions and show you the ropes of camp.

This event is required for all campers.
Event Meeting

Virgin Orientation

Date August 26, 2024Time 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PDTLead Kyle Depew

If you are a virgin or haven't camped with 8-bit Bunny before then this event is for you. We will show you the kitchen, water systems, power, sauna, etc. Everything you need to know for the week.

Event Party

Disney Sing-Along

Date August 27, 2024Time 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDTLead Kenna Totty

Come cool off and enjoy a Hakuna Matata cocktail while jamming to your favorite Disney tunes!

Event Party

Daddybear steam room party

Date August 28, 2024Time 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm PDTLead JQ Whitcomb

Get yourself clean after the pub crawl with some hairy, stout, bearded older men (and the boys who love them).

Event Party

Large Format Polaroid Portraits

Date August 29, 2024Time 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm PDTLead Kyle Depew

Have your portrait made on rare, expired instant film by a guy in a bunny suit. Yours to keep! Better than it sounds.

Event Burning man

Man Burn

Date August 31, 2024Time 9:00 pm - 10:30 pm PDTLead Available

We all go to the Man burn together.

Event Burning man

Temple Burn

Date September 1, 2024Time 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm PDTLead Available

We pause strike to go to the Temple burn.

New event

Interested in throwing an event at 8-bit Bunny. Email